Appartamento in vendita a Bologna

Sara Immobiliare offers:
Fern in Central Park. Living in the city can be fast-paced and frantic, but it doesn’t have to be. Central Park at City Walk was designed to reimagine the urban jungle by introducing a lush green community in the heart of Dubai.

Fern in Central Park brings a whole new collection of premium 1-4 bedroom apartments.

For more informations:
Sara Immobiliare 349 1795598 /


Comune Bologna
Tipologia Appartamento
Prezzo 383.579 €
Riferimento FERN
Mq 0m2
Contratto vendita
C.E Immobile in classe energetica nd
I.P.E 0 kWh / sqm / year

Rata mensile: € 736

Importo richiesto 383.579 €
Importo finanziato € 191.790
Durata Mutuo 30 anni
TAN 2.28%
TAG 2.41%
LTV 50 %
Liquidità iniziale € 191.790

